Замена дворников ситроен с4

Добавил пользователь Валентин П.
Обновлено: 05.10.2024

Замена дворников ситроен с4

Even before buying a car, I noticed that the wiper blades did not do their job well, the working surface of the gum dried out and did not remove the adhering snow from the glass, one conclusion — we change it for new ones.
Changing the wiper blades after buying a car is a good tradition that has developed over the past few years.
The first step was to open the Denso catalog, I wanted to try out their excellent Denso Hybrid line, that is, hybrid ones. At Getz Moms they have proven themselves well, and whoever says anything, they justify their high price by 100%. But, unfortunately, in the Denso catalog I did not see hybrid brushes for the Citroen C4. Apparently due to the special design of the wiper itself, and only frameless brushes are available for them.

I also knew that Bosch AeroTwin was praised very much, and also wanted to try them. And after a couple of minutes I’m already in the Bosch catalog, writing out the articles for ordering brushes. I took the opportunity to order and back, after a couple of days of waiting for the order installed.

I really liked the brush mounting scheme, easily dismantled the old ones and installed new ones, without forgetting to first put the wipers themselves into service mode. We lower the leashes back, turn on the washer and … Yes, not in vain I gave 1200 rubles for these brushes, they do their job perfectly! I hope they are enough for a year. With the rear wiper there were no problems, replaced in 30 seconds.

Order Codes:
Bosch AeroTwin brush kit for Citroen C4 — 3397118965 (1 232 rubles)
Fifth door brush — 3397004990 (275 rubles)

Замена ЩЁТОК стеклоочистителя CITROEN C4

Замена резинок на дворниках citroen с 4

Замена щеток стеклоочистителей (дворников) Citroen C4.

Щетки стеклоочистителя Bosch AeroECO + замена резинок дворников

козырек дворников на ситроен с4

Как поменять (дворники) щетки стеклоочистителя

Ситроен С4, замена передних стоек (амортизаторов) без снятия жабо и поводков дворников

Щетки стеклоотчистителя Пежо-308/408 покупка, замена

Поскольку за окном зима и дворникам нужно теперь снег сгребать, а не воду, не помешало бы заменить дворнички. Для снятия щетки нужно нажать на защелочки поводка по обеих сторонах и выдвинуть в перед, в результате они легко снимутся.

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